girl with dumbbell

How to get results from physical training

The fitness industry has been getting bigger and bigger, the amount of people joining gyms, buying equipment, consuming supplements, has been increasing and yet many of them look the same as when they started their fitness journey. In this article were learning why people don’t get results and how to actually get results from our training at the same time.

You are not consistent

The main reason people don’t get better results in the first place is that they have this mindset of stagnation. The human body is constantly trying to be in homeostasis (in this case you’re probably too comfortable in your bed or couch and you tell yourself you want to exercise but still don’t end up moving because you like the relaxation and the mindless scrolling and cheap dopamine of our current lifestyles is so enticing.) So you may workout one day but not workout for another month. Step number 1: Focus on consistency, someone who is consistently working out will have a much easier chance of being in shape than someone who does one hard all out workout sporadically. So try to make a plan and stick to it.

You are not getting better

The second reason I see that people look the same is that they may have gotten into the rhythm of a routine but they are doing the same thing day in and day out. For you to see different results you need to do something different unless you’re crazy enough to expect different results by doing the same thing. It’s not about changing what you are doing entirely, all you have to do is do something harder. Maybe the exercises you are doing already are good and all you need is to stop being so comfortable and being afraid of pushing yourself. If you’re doing compound lifts you already have the right idea. Step 2: Progression, there are multiple ways of progression in training here are some examples:

  • More weight
  • More sets
  • Less Rest
  • Better control/better form
  • Change tempo
handstand gymnast

You are not eating for your goals

If you have the previous two points down, where you are getting better at your lifts and your workouts, and you are being consistent, then now the other area we have to look into is your nutrition. If the other two are not working by themselves, you will have to dial in on Step 3: Goal specific nutrition. If you want to put on more muscle, you will have to eat more, if you want to lose some pounds, then you have to eat less calorie dense foods. Keep in mind that when you’re cutting(eating less) your strength and muscle gains will be slower and possibly even stagnate, so the optimal if you’re trying to put on muscle and strength would be an increase in food, or eating at maintenance calories. An easy way to find your maintenance calories is the simple formula of:

Bodyweight in lbs x 15

That will give you how much to eat per day in calories if you don’t want to go up or down in bodyweight. Be sure to eat at least 1g of protein per lbs of bodyweight to help your workouts.


Here is a quick summary for you people who want to stop reading and get to action (I commend you for that)

  • Step 1: Consistency (stick to your set workout schedule)
  • Step 2: Progression (Lift more weight, or lift same weight for more reps, or do more sets, or do more in less time, or change tempo, or have better control over the current weight)
  • Step 3: Nutrition (Be specific to your goal. Find calories by multiplying your bodyweight in pounds by 15 and that gives you your total calories per day to maintain your current weight )

Thank you for reading, be sure to check out some more interesting articles here. I wish you the best in your journey and if you need help don’t be afraid to reach out either on my email: or through any of my social media platforms like instagram.


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